Van Cages

Our designers at Wet Pets are keen to take your ideas and turn them into a reality. They want to take your ideas of your ideal Mobile Dog Grooming Van to work together and build that dream. We have a huge range of cages and fixed work stations that can fit into your vehicles layout.

Whether you are offering a dog walking service and need a secure, warm and safe environment to transport the animals or simply want a dog grooming van with heated cages so that they dry faster! We really are able to cater to every need.

We can offer multi-size cages so if you have more than one dog and you need to focus on one you have that option there to keep the other caged up whilst you work on the other. We can add a locker style door and this can act as a dual purpose unit. We can create slide partitions and multi-zone cages, the choice to customise mobile dog grooming van, really is yours!

The cages are all exceptionally easy to clean and maintain a good level of cleanliness. They can come with raised floors so are all available to be sprayed down with a hose and disinfectant, that along with our superior floor lining means that a full clean down can be completed in no time or effort. 

We can spray your cages to the colour of your choice; why not match the colour of the cage to the interior or exterior colour theme of the vehicle! 

Cages and Purpose Built Work Stations


Get In Touch!

If you like what you see with one of our products, call us today on 01258 837 779, or email us at Alternatively simply fill in the form below and press submit and we will get back to you shortly regarding your enquiry.

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