Technical Help Sheets
We're always here to help but please see a list below of helpful fact sheets full of useful tips and problem solving solutions.
We have compiled a list of documents that will help you get the most out of your new pet grooming van conversion.
General care & using your conversion:
- Cleaning & Caring for your conversion - How to care for your new salon.
How do I plug in my van - Getting started in your new van.
- How to fill your water tank
- No power in my parlour - Help sheet if theres no power in your salon
- Plug in help
- Turning off the water pump at night
- WINTER looking after your van in winter
Water Pump help:
- Water pump buzzer
- Water pump not working
- Water Pump spare parts list
- Turning off the water pump at night
- WINTER looking after your van in winter
General equipment help;
- CTEKV battery charger - Van battery charger information.
- Electric vent Info - What does your electric vent do?
Blaster help:
- Blast off - Using your blaster
- If your Double K Blaster loses half its power, it may need its brushes changed. This can be done by following these instructions whilst the blaster is turned off in your conversion and the brushes changed in situ.
Hydrobath Help:
How to use your new Bespoke or Deluxe converison Video: