Dog transportation

From transporting your show dogs, Gun dogs or security dogs to providing a pet taxi service, the importance of travelling your pets in a safe and secure environment is of paramount importance, and we offer a wide range of animal transport conversions.

Dog transportation Rear View

Now more than ever, more and more pets and working dogs are not being transported safely or properly, when instead they could lay back in one of our luxurious purpose built and air-conditioned conversions. We can also provide heated Quality Van Conversions for the winter months.

Our vans are built to ensure that your pet or working dog is transported in the best possible conditions and reaches their destination with the minimal amount of stress suffered and the maximum amount of comfort experienced. We pride ourselves in only using high quality materials and offer a 10-year warranty with all our conversions.

Specialist Animal Transport

Customers such as the M.O.D and Police through to top dog breeders and Gun dog enthusiasts have used our dog transportation conversions. They have chosen our Specialist Vehicle Conversions for a reason, because the safety and long lasting quality is exceptional, and the comfort and safety of their animals is guaranteed.

Fitted Dog transportation unit

Our conversions are totally re-usable and transferable, so if you sell your vehicle, you can take your lining with you. We aren't limited to certain vehicle types; we can build on any make or model of van/ chassis, second hand or new, big or small. From a basic insulated lining, through to a complete luxury Grooming Van Conversions, we can do as much or as little as you like. We can even make improvements to your existing grooming conversion depending on what your requirements are.

We have been in the industry for over 30 years and in that time we have achieved fantastic discounts with our suppliers that we can pass onto you, the customer. This allows us to surpass our competitors on both price and quality and provide you with the best conversion on the market.

Police Dog transportation Dog transportation designed for the Police


Animal Transport Contact

If you like what you see with our specialist vehicle conversions, call us today on 01258 837779, or email us at Contact Wet Pets Conversions today or alternatively simply fill in the form below and press submit and we will get back to you shortly regarding your enquiry.

UKASFCAADCHDefra ApprovedVCA Registered Firm