Dog Grooming Parlour Salisbury

Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury

Our fantastic Dog Grooming Parlour service in Salisbury provides the perfect working atmosphere in any shape, colour and size you require.

We have built Dog Grooming Parlours for some of the top groomers in Salisbury and across the UK who required a separate work space either positioned in their garden or made mobile to take to grooming exhibitions and shows.

If you don't have an appropriate space in your house to work from and would like to have somewhere in your garden or you need extra work space or a mobile Dog Grooming Parlour then we provide the perfect solution.

When at exhibitions and shows first impressions and professionalism is of paramount importance, which is why our Dog Grooming Parlours are made to the highest standards to fit your specifications so you stand above the rest and make that all important lasting impression.

For the ultimate in transportable Dog Grooming Parlours, we also offer Pet Grooming Trailers, which offer total flexibility and couldn’t be easier to transport yourself with minimal effort.

Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury  Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury

Dog Grooming Parlour Options

Our Dog Grooming Parlours can either remain fixed, which make them ideal if you want to work from home, or placed on a towable chassis with hidden hydraulic legs, this gives the appearance that its fixed, but can then be towed away when needed, which is ideal for exhibitions.

Our quality Dog Grooming Parlours are based around long lasting quality and ease of use, providing you and the animal a totally safe and enjoyable working environment, that performs as well as it looks.

From the hygienic, full wash down lining through to the luxury of air conditioning and heating with a built in de-humidifier. We offer premium studios and conversions at a practical price that will prove an invaluable asset to your company.

New! Choose your floor and bath colour to match your company logo for only £99.99!

Why Wet Pets Conversions?

We are so proud of our Dog Grooming Parlours that we give our conversions an amazing 10-year warranty. That is why you can be sure that when it comes to Dog Grooming Parlours in the Salisbury area, Wet Pets Conversions really are the best.

Contact us for our Dog Grooming Parlours in Salisbury

If you would like to know more about our Dog Grooming Parlour service in the Salisbury area contact us today.

Call us direct on 01258 837 779 or simply fill in the form below and press submit. We will get back to you as soon as possible:

UKASFCAADCHDefra ApprovedVCA Registered Firm