In the rear of your van is the fresh water tank. This is what supplies your Hydrobath with all of the fresh
water that you need for the day. This is pumped via the water pump, into the rinse tank of your Hydrobath
where it is heated by the Hydrobath heat element (unless you have a diesel heater fitted - in which case it
is heated by the diesel heater and enters the rinse tank already heated).
You only need to fill this tank with as much water as you need for the day, you do not need to fill it right
up to the top unless you want to.
To fill this tank, simply locate and unscrew the large black lid at the top of the tank. Do not unscrew the
small air outlet on the top of the lid, you need to remove the whole round lid. Now make sure that your
garden hose is clean as you do not want any debris falling into the tank which could get caught in the
Now pop the hose in the tank and depending on water pressure it will take approx 20 min - 30 mins
to totally fill the tank. Make sure that you watch the hose at all times as you do not want to let the tank
over flow and potentially damage any nearby electrical components.
If you are going to leave the van for long periods of time and want to empty the water, simply locate the
two white valves near the tank. Turn off the valve that takes the water into the main system, and open the
valve with the pipe that goes down through the floor and this will empty the tank out of the van for you.
Points to note:
• Be very careful not to let debris in the tank as this will block the water pump filter.
• Check the straps that hold the tank in place are tight as these can flex over time, they can be easily
retightened with the ratchet strap.
• Make sure the lid is securely and correctly tightened otherwise water can slosh out of any gaps during