Water leaking from Hydrobath test:


If for any reason there seems to be water leaking from the Hydrobath

please carry out these tests. If each test does not find the issue, please

move on to the next test.

Test 1

1. Ensure the floor around the bath is dry.

2. Isolate the water supply (hose pipe on parlour or pump wall switch on a van).

3. Close the drain valve on the bath.

4. Switch the left hand lever to rinse and fill the wash tank from the rinse tank.

5. Once this is filled remove the round lid on top of the rinse tank.

6. Switch the left hand lever over to wash and fill the rinse tank from the wash tank.

7. Do this several times and check for any water leaks.

8. If water begins to leak from the underside of the bath the leak is more than likely a rubber hose on

the underside of the bath.

Test 2

1. 2. 3. 4. Fill your rinse tank to the top, making sure the wash tank is empty.

Isolate the water supply (hose pipe on parlour or pump wall switch on a van).

Leave overnight and check for puddles in the morning

If a puddle is present the leak is possibly a crack in the rinse tank or a leak on the outlet at the

bottom of the tank.

Test 3

1. 2. 3. 4. Fill the wash tank and make sure the rinse tank is empty

Isolate the water supply (hose pipe on parlour or pump wall switch on a van).

Leave overnight and check for puddles in the morning

If a puddle is present the leak is possibly a crack in the wash tank or a leak on the outlet at the

bottom of the tank.

Test 4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Isolate the water supply (hose pipe on parlour or pump wall switch on a van).

Completely empty the rinse tank and the wash tank.

Reinstate the water supply and check for leaks.

Do not use the pump inside the bath.

Leave for 1 hour and see there are any leaks.

If the bath leaks at this point, it is a leak between the water supply and the bath. (In the parlour the

hosepipe connection and the bath, on a van between the water fill pump and rear of the bath)

Test 5

1. 2. 3. 4. With the wash tank full leave overnight

In the morning check the water level to see if water level has dropped.

If water level is the same, drain the water out and c

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